

July 15, 2020

Stronger Ankles – Ride Pain Free

One very common biking injury is ankle fractures and sprains. Here is a few basic exercises that you can do daily, to get your ankles stronger. […]
July 1, 2020

Healing requires Time

One of the biggest fear for a motocross athlete is getting injured. And that’s because majority of the time when a MX rider getting injured isn’t […]
June 3, 2020

4 Simple exercises to get rid of the stiffness and niggles

Sedentary lifestyle and riding bikes have a common enemy – Rounded shoulders which leads to tight pecs ( chest) and stiff back. Try the following shoulder […]
April 23, 2020

10 Minute Skateboard Warm-up Exercises

April 23, 2020

Skateboarding Recovery – Icing, stretching and general body maintenance

Here are some benefits of the recovery in order to be able to skate for longer at your maximum performance. Static Stretching By holding the position […]
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